Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Junbi Undo part 1

準備 運動

Junbi Undo (preliminary exercises) is the warm up exercises of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. It consists of a full body series of exercises systematically designed to warm up, strengthen, stretch, condition, co-ordinate and prepare the Karate practitioner's body and mind for the challenges of traditional karate training.

The Junbi Undo exercises were compiled and developed from 1917 to 1921 by Master Chojun Miyagi after years of research and consultation with physicians and other sensei (14). Contained within these exercises are a variety of methods to further develop karate kihon (basics). Junbi Undo exercises also develop Qigong, pronounced "Chi Kung" (practice of internal and external universal energy) and Kokyu-Ho (inhale/exhale breathing method).

These preliminary exercises serve not only to limber up the muscles but also serve as a basis for perfecting the student's karate techniques. Moreover, these exercises were developed with a great deal of consideration for the needs of the human body. Doing strenuous karate training without the preliminary exercises could cause damage to the muscles. The student will also lack speed and flexibility of movement.

It is important to start with light exercises to warm up the muscles, to limber up all the joints of the body, and to get the blood circulating. After these preliminary exercises, your body is prepared to start hard training. These simple exercises help to improve one's karate techniques and also to arouse one's enthusiasm. These exercises are meant to serve as a lifelong form of mental as well as physical training.

The preliminary exercises begin with a stretching of the joints of the toes, and then continue with stretching exercises for the ankles, exercises for the Achilles tendon, moving up through the legs, the torso, and upper limbs, finishing up with exercises for the neck.

The latter exercises are to build up physical strength and stamina. Students who find themselves lacking in physical strength and/or stamina should do these exercises repeatedly to help them develop their muscles, physical strength, stamina, and also to help them strengthen their joints. Students should make sure to exhale and inhale correctly while doing each exercise. Doing the exercises with correct breathing helps to improve the blood circulation and strengthens the internal organs, as well as aiding muscles development. Thus, for these reasons, doing the preliminary exercises before starting the formal karate training is important.

More to follow.....

1 comment:

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