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To visit our store with 5 books on Gojuryu Karate and/or Kobudo, as well as digital downloads of beautiful kanji scrolls for your wall or dojo consisting of Miyagi's Karate-do Kun, Gojuryu Kata or hojo Undo, as well as, UechiRyu Kata, Hojo-undo and Junbi-Undo please visit Our Store 

Goju-Ryu Futari Geiko

Goju-Ryu Futari Geiko draws extensively on the authors 39 years of personal experience, training and research in Okinawan GojuRyu Karate-do. This work covers blocking drills, Sandan Gi, Ippon Kumite, Nihon Kumite, Rensoku Waza, flow drills, kakie and kumigata, ranging from simple to complex partner training drills that will benefit not only the novice but also the most experienced karate-ka. If you are looking for training drills from Old style Okinawan karate, look no further!

Entering Through the Gateway of Gojuryu

This book draws extensively upon the author's 34 years of personal experiences, training, research and discussions with some of the world’s most prominent masters. This work contains several topics, such as, History, Biographies, karate morality, kihon, kata, kumite, kakie, self-defense, junbi undo, hojo undo and related topics, it is aimed at the beginning student to assist them in their journey along the path of Gojuryu, however, it may be used as a guide by other's interested in Okinawan Gojuryu Karate-do, and even the veteran karate-ka may find it a useful tool. Forewords by Phillip Koeppel, R. Choji Taiani, Roy Hobbs, Dennis May and Len Pellman.

"This book could very well be one of the best publications for anyone looking for a solid introduction into the art of Gojuryu Karate-do."
- R. Choji Taiani Hanshi 9th Dan

"The time spent reading and studying Jones Sensei’s writings are well worth the effort, and I highly recommend this book to the worldwide Goju-Ryu community." - Col. Roy Hobbs Hanshi 9th Dan

"A valuable source of information on the art of Gojuryu" - Dennis May Kyoshi 8th Dan

Yushikan: Entering Through the Gateway of Gojuryu

This book draws extensively upon the author's personal experiences, training, research and discussions with some of the world’s most prominent masters. This work contains the entire text "Entering Through the Gateway of Gojuryu" along with 53 additional pages that are directly aimed at the students of the Yushikan dojo to assist them in their journey along the path of Gojuryu, however, it may be used as a guide by other's interested in Okinawan Gojuryu Karate-do. Forewords by Phillip Koeppel, R. Choji Taiani, Col. Roy Hobbs, Dennis May and Len Pellman