Monday, April 25, 2011

O tanjō-bi omedetōgozaimasu Miyagi Sensei

Miyagi Chojun 1888-1953
I know some of you may be looking at the above title wondering what it means; it is the formal way to say Happy Birthday to Miyagi Chojun sensei in Japanese. Why I would do such a thing, you ask. Well, today marks the 132nd anniversary of his birth.

In memory of the founder of the style of karate that I practice, on the anniversary of his birth, I go to my dojo and train in front of his picture, hoping that in some way my meager performance will please him. I start by going through Junbi Undo, followed by the 13 empty hand kata, then I will train with the tools of Hojo Undo and finish with Sanchin and Tensho.

Many times I will have students with me, but today I found myself alone in the dojo. I wondered what it would have been like to train under such a great bushi? When I started my training in goju-ryu karate, I did not know anything about the history of the style other than the name of the founder, I began training and just did what my teacher (my father) told me to do, I had no idea that 34 years later, I would still be on this path, following the way. Nor did I know that I would have my own students and children that would follow me down this path.

Although I am wishing him a Happy Birthday, it is really I who has received a gift. Domo Arigato Miyagi Sensei.

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